On vampires and Spies…

Saw the last of the twilight movies 2 days ago.Not the proudest moment of my life but hey, t’was something to do…Afterwards it got me thinking that for all ‘we’ might scoff at the depiction of their ‘forever love’, it’s a very powerful message. Especially to a 14 year old girl. When I was 14 I discovered the vampire Lestat. This was the first time I’d been exposed to this sort of creature – ruthless, good-looking, sexually ambiguous, exciting. I wasn’t the only one enthralled – Anne Rice made a fortune out of those books. But to be truthful, if Stephanie Meyers had written twilight when I was 14, I probably would’ve fallen for that storyline too. *end of shameface*

Recently saw my other long time cinematic obsession -the latest James Bond movie – Skyfall. The Bond obsession started when I was about 12 and a family friend had a near delusional relationship with the character 🙂 He did Bond impressions, villain impressions, pretended his cat was Blofeld’s cat…Everytime we visited a Bond movie would be on. I had no choice but to get sucked in too XD. I’ve seen every single Bond movie, and up until a few years ago my favorite actor to play the character was Sean Connery. As much as I continued to enjoy the camp and predictability of the series, interest in it waned as I grew and it was obvious they started to just phone the movies in. Then in 2006 Casino Royale hit the screen. I had little hopes for this ‘blonde Bond’ but I would give him a shot. By the end of the opening scene it was clear that this was a new, vastly improved character and I had a new favorite Bond actor.

I don’t want to reveal any spoilers about Skyfall for those of you who haven’t seen it yet, but I would say it messes with the theory some fans have that James Bond is just a code word for different operatives. By the end of the movie the different mythologies and connective story webs from the previous movies draw closer and connect. 007 starts to resemble his predecessors more than ever, or more accurately, starts to morph into his former self. Javier Bardem’s villain is mesmerizing and quite sympathetic. The movie had its occasional flaws, but I would give it higher ratings than Quantum of Solace. It’s definitely worth the watch  – go see it if you haven’t already.

Happy Sunday and talk soon!
