On the ancient pastime of drive-ins…

photo (13)This one is going to be a quickie – I just wanted to take some words to appreciate the heck out of the Drive-in Theater here. I was there 2 nights ago and as the intermission came on they started playing authentic 1950s music that I haven’t heard since forever. I had a moment of time and space connected-ness with everyone who has every enjoyed the unique beast that is a drive-in and thought what a sad, sad thing it is that it seems to be going extinct.

There was a Drive-in in Guyana but it went bust sometime in the late 90s I think. In any case I never got a chance to patronize it..probably because I knew so few people who had vehicles back then XD Come April 1998, and I’m on a class trip to Barbados (my first trip overseas!) and one of the outings is to see the blockbuster ‘Titanic’ at the Drive-in. Needless to say, it was a very memorable experience as Titanic became one of my favorite movies for the next few years.

That drive-in in 1998 was the same one I was at 2 nights ago. It offers 2 movies for 7.50$US (and not old movies either, but two of the same ones that are playing in other theaters around the island). The food is delicious and very fairly priced. Popcorn is 1.50$US and a serving of BBQ chicken with fries 6.50$US. Beat those prices in any theatre! You don’t even need a car – they have a central area by the food where you can sit and watch/listen, though seating is limited to about 15…

If you’ve never experienced the joy of picnicking outside your car in the drive-in, or the honking of horns at a particularly applaud-worthy moment in a movie, then I urge you to. I hope the drive-ins of the world never become extinct, long live the drive-in!

PS- I don’t know the owners of the theatre, nor do I have shares XD but here’s the website, you should visit when next in Barbados!
