Top 10 Theories on the reason for Max and Curtis’ DJ Set

The maestros doing their 'thing'....

The maestros doing their ‘thing’….

So we heard a lot about the introductory ‘DJing’ these 2 amazing musicians did during Mika’s recent North American tour and the views were conflicting. Most people tolerated it, some loved it, some hated it.

I finally got a chance to experience it first hand at the Le Poisson Rouge gig and my immediate reaction was a giggling fit. XD Throughout the set my reactions evolved through incredulousness, bewilderment, mild appreciation, then outright enjoyment. This maybe because the songs snippets went chronologically by decades and everyone knows I’m biased towards the latter part of the 20th century…

As I experienced the set I wrote down the thoughts for its raison d’etre as they pooped into my head and here’s what I came up with (in no particular order):

  1. It’s a form of decade prejudice – done to highlight how much better the more recent music is (as opposed to the 40s, for example)
  2. It’s a test of dance adaptability, to see who can adjust best and effortlessly to the varied rhytms
  3. A test to see exactly how drunk the crowd is
  4. The songs are a form of conversation between Max and Curtis…one that’s obviously coded..
  5. Some of the songs correlate to Mika songs like ‘Singing in the Rain’ (Rain), ‘Big girls don’t cry’ (Big Girls), etc..but the link can only be identified for a few songs…this theory might be pure coincidence or we’re missing something XD
  6. It was all an effort to have the best ‘worst’ DJ set – sort of like winning from behind…
  7. A statistical test to see which songs people knew and how many people knew them…they then compiled data sheets and the result will be released shortly
  8. A really slow burn method of getting the crowd to do some dancing
  9. Subtle brainwashing to get us to buy the products they had jingles for…the music was merely a cover-up
  10. See how best they could get us to forget about Mika coming on to perform

There’s a pretty good chance I entirely missed the point with these theories and Mika merely wanted some filler music before he came on…naaaaahh…

Dancing-ly yours!
